Note: The names of the investigators have been changed
week was pretty all over the place with ups and downs. We got dropped by Luisa
and Giulio and had our last lesson with Alfonso, but we also did our scambi and
watched General Conference so I guess the good balanced out the bad!
Marta is still on the sure track towards baptism and she hasn't lost any confidence. She hasn't talked to her family about it yet so she's been praying for help with knowing what to do, when to mention it, and how to say it. We're so proud of her!
We brought Alessandra to a lesson with Bertina this week! We watched Unto This End Was I Born (I think I got the name wrong in one of my recent posts...) and wrapped up with our testimonies of the Savior's sacrifice and of His love for us. There was a VERY strong spirit present. We were glad to have been able to share that moment with Ale so soon before her mission. She is definitely prepared! (She leaves for Madrid this Thursday, April 9)
We saw Valerio from Romania on Tuesday. He was pretty down because his housing/job situation is not looking good at all and he felt lost and worried. We had planned to teach him the Restoration but we immediately were able to find scriptures about hardships and when we spoke we bore testimony of how faith and obedience and trusting in the Lord brings blessings no matter what situation we may find ourselves in (personal favorite: Romans 5:3-5). Valerio said he had read a bit of the Book of Mormon, that he liked it and knew it was inspired by God, and that he would keep reading it because that was the only way he could understand it better! He's in Romania right now and we don't know when he's coming back but we took a picture with him and he said he would read while he's there. I don't know if we'll see him again, but I hope the Spirit left a deep impression on him and that things will get better for him soon.
On Thursday and Friday I was in Rome 1 with Sorella Jones while Sorella Marsh and Sorella Margheriti went to Pescara for scambi (splits). I had never worked with Sorella Jones before so it was a new experience for me, but let me just say that it was SO good!!! She has some of the most contagious enthusiasm for the work that I have ever seen. I remember getting that impression of her while I was at the villa (the mission home) back in December (we got to the mission in the same transfer!). She has an amazing understanding of the gospel and of other people's needs and I felt confident teaching and finding with her! We really enjoyed each other's company and I feel that I know her much better now. :) I did miss Sorella Margheriti a lot though. We were really happy to see each other again the next day! :D
Saturday morning was... nuts. We woke up really depressed about losing Luisa and Giulio and were dreading our meeting with Alfonso. We prayed so hard to know what to say to him but we still felt lost and tired and... I would rather not reflect too much on moments like those. But they do happen, and it's all part of being a missionary. It was hard to even force a smile or crack a joke and for me that is bad news.
Marta is still on the sure track towards baptism and she hasn't lost any confidence. She hasn't talked to her family about it yet so she's been praying for help with knowing what to do, when to mention it, and how to say it. We're so proud of her!
We brought Alessandra to a lesson with Bertina this week! We watched Unto This End Was I Born (I think I got the name wrong in one of my recent posts...) and wrapped up with our testimonies of the Savior's sacrifice and of His love for us. There was a VERY strong spirit present. We were glad to have been able to share that moment with Ale so soon before her mission. She is definitely prepared! (She leaves for Madrid this Thursday, April 9)
We saw Valerio from Romania on Tuesday. He was pretty down because his housing/job situation is not looking good at all and he felt lost and worried. We had planned to teach him the Restoration but we immediately were able to find scriptures about hardships and when we spoke we bore testimony of how faith and obedience and trusting in the Lord brings blessings no matter what situation we may find ourselves in (personal favorite: Romans 5:3-5). Valerio said he had read a bit of the Book of Mormon, that he liked it and knew it was inspired by God, and that he would keep reading it because that was the only way he could understand it better! He's in Romania right now and we don't know when he's coming back but we took a picture with him and he said he would read while he's there. I don't know if we'll see him again, but I hope the Spirit left a deep impression on him and that things will get better for him soon.
On Thursday and Friday I was in Rome 1 with Sorella Jones while Sorella Marsh and Sorella Margheriti went to Pescara for scambi (splits). I had never worked with Sorella Jones before so it was a new experience for me, but let me just say that it was SO good!!! She has some of the most contagious enthusiasm for the work that I have ever seen. I remember getting that impression of her while I was at the villa (the mission home) back in December (we got to the mission in the same transfer!). She has an amazing understanding of the gospel and of other people's needs and I felt confident teaching and finding with her! We really enjoyed each other's company and I feel that I know her much better now. :) I did miss Sorella Margheriti a lot though. We were really happy to see each other again the next day! :D
Saturday morning was... nuts. We woke up really depressed about losing Luisa and Giulio and were dreading our meeting with Alfonso. We prayed so hard to know what to say to him but we still felt lost and tired and... I would rather not reflect too much on moments like those. But they do happen, and it's all part of being a missionary. It was hard to even force a smile or crack a joke and for me that is bad news.
brought his brother, Dario, and his 10-year-old son, Fabio, to the lesson so from
the beginning we were like, Hooray, he brought reinforcements... Leo played with
his soccer ball the whole time and watched us curiously so he wasn't a problem
at all (he reminded me a LOT of my little brother so that was really weird and
heartwarming at the same time, ha! There was one time that he grinned at me all
toothy and innocent and it literally turned my heart to MUSH) but Dario was
basically prepared to do some heavy-duty Bible bashing. He brought this like
monstrously large, 300-year-old King James Bible and immediately started
preaching to us. It was kind of irritating, he didn't even bother to ask us
questions about what we believe.
some point the conversation split. Alfonso started talking to Francesco (our
member that we brought) and Sorella Margheriti and I talked to Dario. OH man!
He was tosto (stubborn). We totally killed him with our testimonies and honestly, I
felt like Nephi when he rebukes his brethren for their unbelief. It was CRAZY. I
felt my chest burning while I bore testimony of the true church, of Joseph Smith
and his role as prophet, seer, and revelator, and of the plan that our Heavenly
Father has for us. It was physically exhausting. Sorella Margheriti and I got
home feeling sick and feverish and lightheaded. I guess I now know what it means
to be consumed by the Spirit. And I don't think we'll be seeing JWs anymore.
Conference was something I really needed. It was so good to be able to receive those messages and I was able to find relief for a few things that had been bothering me and that I didn't fully understand. I loved being able to hear Conference from a missionary perspective! When Elder Ballard spoke (link here ) to the missionaries in his talk it really hit me that I'm one of those missionaries and that members all around the world pray for us every single day and in temples all around the world. I feel so humbled to have that much support from the members of the Church. It makes me want to work harder and really live up to my role as a missionary in this last dispensation. Yes, the work slowed down a lot this week and yeah, we were pretty depressed about it but I know life goes on and that more people will come. We have to do our best to find them! It's exactly like Presidente Waddoups always says - when you want to find people to teach, you talk to everyone. So that's exactly what we're going to focus even more on this week. Gonna finish this transfer with a bang!
Conference was something I really needed. It was so good to be able to receive those messages and I was able to find relief for a few things that had been bothering me and that I didn't fully understand. I loved being able to hear Conference from a missionary perspective! When Elder Ballard spoke (link here ) to the missionaries in his talk it really hit me that I'm one of those missionaries and that members all around the world pray for us every single day and in temples all around the world. I feel so humbled to have that much support from the members of the Church. It makes me want to work harder and really live up to my role as a missionary in this last dispensation. Yes, the work slowed down a lot this week and yeah, we were pretty depressed about it but I know life goes on and that more people will come. We have to do our best to find them! It's exactly like Presidente Waddoups always says - when you want to find people to teach, you talk to everyone. So that's exactly what we're going to focus even more on this week. Gonna finish this transfer with a bang!
Side note,
transfer calls are this Saturday. I don't know what's going to happen to me and
Sorella Margheriti at all, but I've been praying for the Lord to help me accept
whatever comes our way. And I know that no matter what, He's in control. There
is no greater reassurance than that.
NOTA: Il nome dei simpatizzanti e' stato cambiato.
Questa settimana e' stata un po' un subbuglio di alti e bassi. Luisa e Giulio ci hanno lasciati e abbiamo fatto l'ultima lezione ad Alfonso ma abbiamo anche fatto gli scambi e guardato la Conferenza Generale cosi' credo che il buono abbia bilanciato il brutto.
Marta e' ancora sulla buona strada del battesimo e non ha perso alcuna fiducia in se stessa. Non ne ha parlato ancora alla famiglia cosi' sta pregando per sapere cosa fare, quando e come dirlo. Siamo cosi' fiere di lei!
Abbiamo portato Alessandra con noi ad una lezione con Bertina questa settimana! Abbiamo visto "Unto This
End Was I Born" (penso di aver sbagliato il titolo in uno dei miei aggiornamenti passati) e abbiamo concluso con le nostre testimonianze sul sacrificio del nostro Salvatore e del suo amore per noi. C'era un spirito MOLTO forte. Siamo contente di aver condiviso questa esperienza con Ale prima della sua missione. E' senz'altro preparata! (Parte per Madrid questo giovedi' 9 aprile).
Abbiamo visto Valerio, il nostro simpatizzante della Romania, martedi'. Era molto giu' perche' la sua situazione con la casa e il lavoro non e' delle migliori e si sentiva preoccupato e smarrito. Avevamo pianificato di insegnargli la Restaurazione ma siamo riuscite a trovare immediatamente scritture sulle avversita' e quando abbiamo parlato gli abbiamo portato testimonianza di come la fede e l'obbedienza e la fiducia nel Signore portino benedizioni a prescindere dalle situazioni in cui ci troviamo (la mia scrittura preferita Romani 5:3-5). Valerio ha detto che aveva letto un po' il Libro di Mormon, che gli era piaciuto e sapeva che era ispirato da Dio e che avrebbe continuato a leggerlo perche' quello era l'unico modo in cui poteva capirlo meglio! E' in Romania ora e non sappiamo quando tornera' ma abbiamo fatto una foto con lui e ha detto che lo avrebbe letto mentre era li'. Non so se lo rivedremo ma spero che lo spirito abbia lasciato una profonda impressione in lui e che le cose possano andare meglio presto.
Giovedi' e venerdi' scorso sono stata a Roma 1 con Sorella Jones e Sorella Marsh e Sorella Margheriti e' andata a Pescara per gli scambi. Non avevo mai lavorato con sorella Jones prima, cosi' e' stata una nuova esperienza per me ma fatemi dire che e' stata BELLISSIMA!!! Ha l'entusiasmo piu' contagioso che abbia mai visto per questo lavoro. Ricordo di avere avuto questa impressione su di lei quando ero alla villa (la casa della missione) a dicembre (siamo arrivate in missione insieme!). Ha una comprensione incredibile del Vangelo e dei bisogni delle altre persone e mi sento a mio agio nell'insegnare e trovare riferimenti con lei! Siamo state molto bene insieme e mi sembra di conoscerla molto meglio ora. :) Ma mi e' mancata molto Sorella Margheriti, pero'. Siamo state molto contente di rivederci il giorno dopo! :D
Sabato mattina e' stato... pazzesco. Ci siamo svegliate molto depresse per aver perso Luisa e Giulio e temevamo il nostro incontro con Alfonso. Abbiamo pregato moltissimo per sapere cosa dirgli ma ci sentivamo ancora insicure e stanche e.. preferirei non riflettere molto su momenti cosi'. Ma succedono e cio' fa parte dell'essere missionari. Era difficile anche forzare un sorriso o fare una battuta e questo proprio non depone a mio favore.
Alfonso ha portato suo fratello, Dario, e suo figlio di dieci anni, Fabio, cosi' sin dall'inizio abbiamo pensato " Urra', ha portato i rinforzi"... Fabio ha giocato con la sua palla di calcio tutto il tempo e ci guardava con curiosita' cosi' non e' stato un problema per niente (mi ricordava TANTISSIMO mio fratello minore cosi' era davvero strano e rincuorante allo stesso tempo! A un certo punto mi ha sorriso a pieni denti e innocentemente e mi ha letteralmente sciolto il cuore) ma Dario era preparato a fare una battaglia pesante a colpi di Bibbia. Ha portato questa Bibbia di Re Giacomo mostruosamente grande e vecchia di 300 anni e ha immediatamente cominciato a farci la predica. Era alquanto irritante, non si e' nemmeno preoccupato di chiederci che cosa credevamo.
A questo punto la conversazione si e' divisa in due. Alfonso parlava con Francesco (il membro della chiesa che abbiamo portato con noi) e Sorella Margheriti ed io abbiamo parlato con Dario. Mamma mia! Era cosi' tosto! Lo abbiamo steso con la nostra testimonianza e onestamente mi sono sentita come Nefi quando rimproverava i suoi fratelli per la loro incredulita'. E' stato PAZZESCO! Ho sentito il mio petto bruciare dentro mentre portavo la mia testimonianza della chiesa, di Joseph Smith e del suo ruolo di profeta, veggente e rivelatore e del piano del nostro Padre Celeste per noi. E' stato fisicamente debilitante. Io e Sorella Margheriti siamo tornate a casa sentendoci male, febbricitanti e con il mal di testa. Credo di sapere ora cosa significa essere consumate dallo Spirito. E non credo che ci incontreremo piu' con i Testimoni di Geova :D
La Conferenza Generale era qualcosa di cui avevo veramente bisogno. E' stato bello ricevere quei messaggi e ho potuto trovare conforto a causa di alcune cose che mi stavano creando problemi e che non capivo completamente. E' stato bello ascoltare la Conferenza dalla prospettiva di una missionaria! Quando l'anziano Ballard ha parlato ai missionari nel suo discorso (link qui : mi ha davvero colpito che io sia una di questi missionari e che i membri pregano per noi ogni giorno e anche nei templi di tutto il mondo. Sono molto grata di avere tutto questo sostegno dai membri della Chiesa. Mi fa venire il desiderio di lavorare di piu' e di vivere veramente al livello di missionaria in questa ultima dispensazione. E' vero, il lavoro e' rallentato molto questa settimana ed e' vero che ci siamo sentite molto depresse per questo ma so che la vita continua e che piu' persone arriveranno. Dobbiamo fare del nostro meglio per trovarle! E' proprio come dice sempre il presidente Waddoups - quando volete trovare persone a cui insegnare, dovete parlare con tutti. Cosi' questo e' quello che intendiamo fare questa settimana. Dobbiamo finire questo trasferimento alla grande!
E a proposito di questo, i trasferimenti sono questo sabato. Non so cosa succedera' a me e a Sorella Margheriti ma ho pregato che il Signore mi aiuti ad accettare qualunque cosa accada. E so che in ogni caso tutto e' nelle sue mani. Non c'e' sicurezza piu' grande.
E a proposito di questo, i trasferimenti sono questo sabato. Non so cosa succedera' a me e a Sorella Margheriti ma ho pregato che il Signore mi aiuti ad accettare qualunque cosa accada. E so che in ogni caso tutto e' nelle sue mani. Non c'e' sicurezza piu' grande.
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With Sorella Margheriti / Con Sorella Margheriti |
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With Sorella Gigante/ Con Sorella Gigante |
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With Alessandra/ Con Alessandra |
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With some members in Rome /Con alcuni membri a Roma |
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